All info about the Princession Orchestra anime


The trailer for Princession Orchestra has just appeared, revealing a fairytale world where light, music and courage come together to fight the darkness.

All info about the Princession Orchestra anime

The Princession Orchestra anime series is scheduled for April 2025 in Japan.

Genre: Slice of Life, Action, Magical Girl, Music, S-F

Synopsis – Princession Orchestra

In the enchanting realm of Alyspia, a world bursting with light and magic, the inhabitants once lived in perfect harmony. However, their serenity is shattered by the appearance of Jamaock, a mysterious monster who wreaks havoc and threatens to plunge their land into eternal darkness.

Faced with this growing peril, a group of young girls known as Princesses rise up to protect their kingdom. Driven by their courage, hope and magical songs, they begin a quest to push back the shadow that spreads over Alyspia.

Each of their performances is a symphony of light and energy, rekindling the brilliance of their land and uniting hearts in the face of adversity.

Trailer – Princession Orchestra

Staff Animation – Princession Orchestra

Authors: Akifumi Kaneko (Symphogear), King Records and ARIA entertainment
Director: Shin Onuma (Death March to The Parallel World Rhapsody, BOFURI, A Sister's All You Need)
Writer: Manta Aisora (author of Nyaruko: Crawling with Love!)
Character Design: Yukiko Akiyama (Shoot! Goal to the Future, Merc Storia)
Music: Elements Garden (Me When I Am Reincarnated as a Slime saga)

source : priorche_info