The animated film YURI!! on ICE the movie: ICE ADOLESCENCE, cancelled


The MAPPA studio has revealed the cancellation of the anime movie YURI!! on ICE the movie: ICE ADOLESCENCE due to various circumstances!

The animated film YURI!! on ICE the movie: ICE ADOLESCENCE, cancelled

Announced in 2017, the film YURI!! on ICE the movie: ICE ADOLESCENCE was supposed to reveal Victor Nikiforov's past.

Genre: Shonen-ai, Slice of Life/Comedy, Sport (Figure Skating)

Synopsis – YURI!! on ICE:

After a crushing defeat in the Grand Prix Final, Yuuri Katsuki, once Japan's most promising skater, is returning home to reflect on his future. At 23 years old, Yuuri's opportunities for success in figure skating seem to be closing quickly, and her love for breaded schnitzel as well as her ease of gaining weight do not help her situation.

However, a turnaround occurred when a video of Yuuri performing a program by five-time world champion Victor Nikiforov went viral. To her surprise, Victor shows up at Yuuri's door and offers to become her coach. As one of her biggest fans, Yuuri enthusiastically agreed, marking the beginning of her journey to return to the international stage.

But the road to success is fraught with pitfalls, especially with the arrival of young Russian rising star, Yuri Plisetsky, who is determined to beat Yuuri and win back Victor's attention and teaching.

Video Teaser – YURI!! on ICE the movie: ICE ADOLESCENCE :

All seasons of the Yuri!! on Ice anime:

  • Yuri!! on Ice: Season 1 – October 2016 – 12 episodes
  • Yuri!! on Ice – Ice Adolescence: animated film cancelled

Staff Animation – Yuri!! on Ice:

Authors: Mitsurou Kubo (manga Moteki) & Sayo Yamamoto
Studio: Mappa
Director: Sayo Yamamoto (Lupin III The Woman Called Fujiko Mine, Michiko & Hatchin)
Original Concept: Mitsurou Kubo
Writer: Sayo YamamotoChara Design: Tadashi Hiramatsu (Parasyte, Abenobashi)
Choreography: Kenji Miyamoto (figure skater choreographer)
Music: Umebayashi Taro (Space Dandy)

source : yurionice_PR

© Hasetsu choumin-kai/ Yuri On Ice: Ice Adolescence ユーリ!! on ICE: アイス アドレセンス Production Committee